I'm not an abject beginner, but close in some ways. I'm putting together a site, and a couple of things puzzle me with navigation, etc.

In designer my website is named Home, page1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. When setting up the links does one pretend being on the web and insert in the link http://www.joespoolhall.com/page1.HTML? Or can you simplify that with an internal name? I'm not assuming anything because it won't be the first time I've made an --- of myself. I figure when I publish it will be to "index" and that all the work done within the site will be encompassed by that file.

Main pages will all be the same size, but I will utilize some secondary satellite pages should I start a different project or just go in after creation and delete the repeating stuff? Thanks for any inpute or Tut pointing; do not want to be too much of a bother.