My wife and I went to Santa Fe yesterday to celebrate her birthday and to take in some galleries and to look in Mary's favorite consignment shop for furniture upon which to paint (

Stephen's, the consignment shop was having a 40% off sale on everything in the store and so we popped in for a look.

On a table in the back was a collection of some of the most prestigious advertising industry awards. The award winner was a creative person from Los Angeles who had worked for Chiat/Day, the ad agency for Apple, and the agency who did the iconic 1984 Macintosh commercial. From the late 60's when it was founded, Chiat Day has been one of the most respected, creative advertising agencies in the country and around the world. When I was in advertising, I always hoped to work some day for this group. And as a creative person, I know how much these awards meant to the winner.

I am guessing the the creative person had retired to Santa Fe and had recently died. But it was so damned incredibly sad to see his collection of advertising trophies, representing his finest achievements in his advertising career, on this table, marked down, for a quick sale.

I guess this is what happens to creative people when we die.

It is all too sad.