
First of all, I'm french, so perhaps my technical english words could be mistranslated (sorry for the trouble if any)... I did a search before posting. I already found answers to some ohter questions...

I'm using WD7prem since a week. I did few HTML sites before, so I'm used to have a look at the code of published pages.

With WD7, it is easy to create a lot of things to have a nice web site. But as I'm trying more and more functionnalities I may do some wrong stuff.

So I've some questions :
1. I created a navigation bar. Later on I changed the size of the buttons of this bar to enlarge the text. When I import to html, I now find the buttons images with the two sizes in the index_htm_files folder. How could I find the hidden object with the wrong size to delete them ?

2. Is there a way to tell a page will be created with .htm extention and another one with .html extention ? My internet provider has a contact form that need a page called result.html as a confirm page.

3. Republishing the entire web site after significant changes creates strange behave with the cached pictures. How can I avoid this without clearing the brower's cache?

Thanks for help.