Why does nobody thank Kane for raising the profile of Xara X1 in such a high profile mag. Let me now apologise for all the other users of this piece of software and thank you.

For Xara to go forward and reach other vector users this this type of marketing is so important to raise the profile of Xara and to show that 'Stirling Moss' can be drawn so easily without the use of a mesh to achieve a classic looking vector drawing. Thank You Kane and how about a workbook or a guest tut in the XONE to satisfy the people who use the software?

I did the tut and posted the the results soon after the mag was released. This type of exposure is a must if Xara is to go on and be updated and keep abreast of the other packages.

I thank you again Kane for producing a tut to show the ease of use of this software package and you did it it in such away that someone using the the software for the fist time could complete it in about 2 Hours flat which would beat a similar project in AI hands down. Thank You!