The much heralded release of Designer Pro 7 was well worth the wait. The product is in a class all its own. And while I realise that there are numerous sources of help -- including this handy forum, the Xara site, the always helpful Xara Xone and one or two others -- it remains unfortunate that Xara do not support their products with better training materials. Every time Adobe release a product there are magazines, books, DVD's, those terrific online training classes over at Lynda.Com and the huge Adobe web presence. With my upgrade to Designer Pro 7, wonderfully priced though it was, I get an archaic-looking help file and, on disc, a nice but wordy PDF manual -- not exactly a pocket guide. Yet Xara make up for that to a certain extent with the free and nifty Quick Reference Card. Still, at the end of the day, would it be all that difficult for someone at Xara to call someone at a place like Lynda.Com to get the ball rolling? Does EVERYTHING have to be done on the cheap, Mr Xara?