Site was working fine when I would preview the site- until I exported for upload. links in the nav bar, text links between pages and links to external sites do nothing when clicked. If I right click on the link, and select "open in new window" or "open in new tab"- then they open or go to the link location. Now, the links don't work when I preview the site either.

Hovering the cursor over the link indicates it is linking to a temp file on my C drive- but, try as I might to follow the folder sequence, I can't find the file it is directing to. (I figured if I just moved the folder to the current location of the web files, it would resolve) even if that had worked, it would not explain why the program is suddenly saving links in a separate file that is not linked to the web file.

Why are they not opening when just click on them? I have checked and double checked the links.

I have run the program as admin. I have made sure the links are all on the top layer. I have re-booted.... everything I can think of.

I have been wracking my brain for several hours now and I got nothin.

Please advise