I've noted a few posts about Xara WD7 limits so here's my experience at failing to put my photo galleries from Picasa onto my web site (Picasa is blocked in school if you're wondering why!)

A 2GB ram PC (with 1.5GB disk cache and 50GB free disk space) fails when I get to 200 photos at 1000px resolution (all optimised) spread over about 10 pages. The site file is less than 40MB and expands to nearly 800MB in memory. All is fine until 'export' when I eventually get an 'Out of memory error' or 'access violation' fail.

Interestingly the limit is only slightly lower on my 1GB ram PC (1GB HD cache) - on this PC Xara manages the memory better and does not load all the images into memory all the time (using about 500MB when editing). During the export process the memory usage of Xara actually reduces to about 60-150MB as it seems to shuffles data in and out before suddenly failing after 3 minutes or so.

It seems that Xara can manage its own 'process memory' for editing (by shuffling data in and out) but always crashes during the export process because the total 'page-file' usage zooms up dramatically - any explanations Xara?

So if you're using a 2GB machine the limit is about 180 photos at about 1MP resolution (1000pixels) until Xara WD learns to manage its memory better during export.