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1. You need to set this up with your web host. Then publish to that sub domain as you would to the main site. Basically, you set up a subfolder and publish to that sub folder. I have a commercial web hosting account that allows me to host 50 sites. So I create a new folder for each of my clients and then the web host redirects calls for the specific domain names to that folder. In my case each client has his own domain name, so it is a matter or redirecting the name servers from the registrar to my web hosts servers.

2. Not that I know of.

3. No. Not at this time and to be honest, I do not see a lot of interest in this at Xara. This could changed but I would not expect support for some time.

4. I am not sure you need head tags. You have a variety of meta tag options plus with Web Designer 7 you can now create a Site Map which is useful for search engines. Also the important thing is making sure your pages and site have useful and informative titles, that your site and pages have good descriptions, that you use the right keywords that your visitors are looking for, and finally that all of these are paid off by copy on your website that relates to and that repeats the keywords, description, titles etc.

I am always amazed when I visit a website and the tab in my browser reads, index.htm. This is a wasted opportunity. The better you organize your site and your site meta information, the better your chances of being discovered and ranked by the search engines.

Hope this helps.