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  1. #1

    Default FIX THE NAV BARS!!!!!!

    I just paid 100.00 for this Xara web 7 program a few weeks ago and i loved it until today and now when I use vertical nav bars and try to center the text, the mouse over layer gets screwed up. I also have had other issues with buttons.

    for now, its the Infrastructure Verticle nav bar that does it. The text isnt centered by default. but other nav bars seem to work when u change justification. but they ALL should work...

    I want a fix and NOT a tweak! sheesh, if it isnt 1 thing with this program its another. And why did you only add like 3 or 4 new templates? i mean, this is a whole new program, why not give us 15-20 fresh and new layouts? the new ones look just as plain as the other ones from Xara 6 with some color and picture changes...
    Last edited by michellelinzi; 20 May 2011 at 10:07 PM.




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