Hi I'm new to both here and using Web Designer 7 Premium (purchased this week) so sorry if this is covered elsewhere.

I have so far done two small websites using Xara. I published my first one to the web (which to me seems slightly more complex although it is still pretty basic) and it loads/opens instantly from internet explorer.

However, my second one which only has 4 pages is now very slow to open indeed and I have no idea why or how to fix it. It started off opening ok but the more I've added etc the slower it's becoming so much so that I don't think people will wait for it to open.

It has 4 pages and only 8 jpeg images in total. I have optimised all jpegs and they are all around 193 x 123 pixels with a resolution of 96 ppi, jpeg quality 75 (according to the box that pops up)

Could anyone please could point me in the direction of what I am obviously doing wrong.
