There's been a lot of publicity about The Kings Speech and there can be few people who haven't heard of the film. When I first heard of the film (before it had enjoyed such favourable publicity) I really did think people were mad to make a film about the subject - who on earth wanted to watch such a thing? Well my Son went to see it and much to my surprise was really positive about it. So, on Sunday I finally went to see it and I'm so glad I did. It really is quite moving. Tonight one of the UK channels aired a program billed as the "The Real King's Speech". It showed the actual speeches and spoke to many people of that generation who were also helped by Logue (the King's speech therapist). It was quite moving to hear them talk about how they had been helped and their reaction to watching the King's speeches in light of their own struggle.

If you haven't seen it yet and want a thoughful involving film to watch, don't be put off by what looks at first glance like a rather dull subject. It is well worth your time.

I think the film will certainly give people thought about the struggles of those with a stammer and some thought about the English Monarchy.

Do consider going to watch it, or borrow the DVD when it comes out.

A big thumbs up.