I just finished up the final update to my Lab, Thunder's, web site. Thought I would post a link to it and share with anyone interested. I lost Thunder in August of 2009 and it crushed me! He was like my kid. He went everywhere with me( hunting, fishing, errands, to work, just for rides, etc... ). Having to put him down was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

I had always kept a web site up and going about him starting in 2008 when he was 2. I would update it every year with new photos from the hunting season and such. Over the years the site grew in size and content and even had pictures of other dogs and such.

After he passed I just couldn't bring myself to do that last update. I would try but my heart wasn't in it. I finally got it done today though. So if anyone is interested stop bye and take a look. There is all kinds of cool stuff to look at. Videos, pictures, slideshows, his dog food advertising info, the newspaper story about him, and more.

If you drop in I hope you enjoy it. Thunder was the best and I tried to honor his memory with this last update. The site was redone from the ground up and even the pictures were rescanned and such to ensure it was the best I could make it.
