Marilyng, as an owner of DRAW back to V11, I would suggest to go to and odwnload the trial version. If you are used to XARA it is closer to Draw than the others that you mentioned. I have recently been trying a version of CS2 that came loaded on a PowerMac and I am having a hard time with the drawing tools. I think DRAW's tools are closer to the way that I draw things, but it might just be the experience with the program. In X5, you will love the new color pallette that updates itself with the colors that you have used in the current file so you can go back to use it without guessing. Also, they have a new way to get the files that you need, but I haven't used it much. I love X5 and can'timagine going backwards. chuckray may also be a good resource for DRAW that may not be current. X3, X4 are good versions and each is better than the last IMHO. Good luck