Ok so after mucho frustration and rework I have surmised the following…

The Navbar Properties dialog/Treeview (where you link your buttons to pages) is directly linked to the Xara document page NUMBERS.

For example a Navbar button entitled ‘Page 10 button’ is linked to document Page 10 which is called ‘I am page 10’

The problem I am seeing is that if I add a new Xara document page so that it now becomes the document Page 10, this totally screws all the following Navbar links which all get incremented by one.
So the page entitled ‘I am page 10’ is now at Xara document Page 11 and pressing the Navbar button ‘Page 10 button’ no longer activates the page entitled ‘I am page 10’

In my case this rendered the following 40 page links useless and requiring a total reworking of the buttons and menu tree… It almost required a new screen too as I was tempted to put my foot through it in frustration LOL ---- this was before i figured the above out lol

Is there any way to turn this effect off?

Actually, what I would like to see is the Navbar links linked to the page NAMES and not numbers. In that way if I move pages around in the document the navbar would not be screwed up and require rework

The only workround I can see at the moment is to NEVER add pages in the middle of a document if the navbar is already set up AND most important never switch on the ‘Site navigation bar’ option as this can totally re-work (I.E hose) your navbar

Maybe there is a switch I am missing?

If not, can I pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease request that the Navbar links to page TITLES and not numbers (which are more likely to change than titles)

Thanks for any pointers or just for your sympathy xxxxx
