Thanks to both of you, I've now got the hang of the freehand tool and using it to cut/extract objects from within objects. However, this only seems to work with free moving objects. But, the real problem I'm trying to resolve is this. A day or so ago I was playing around with creating different objects and overlaying them on different colored backgrounds on the workspace (I guess Xara calls it the page). In one instance I created a large dark blue rectangle and created another object to place over it, then grouped the objects, and locked everything in place on the page and then went on to other things. I continued to create other objects to play around with and essentially the "page" became full of various creative experiments. I never actually saved any objects, but kept the page open as a trial and error workspace.

Viewing the page today I noticed there is one image in the hodgepodge of creativity that I would like to actually capture and save for future use. However, I am way past the undo stages and the image I want to extract, as well as the background it was created on, were locked in place awhile back. If I am looking at a static graphic on the page there must be someway to select the part of the page that contains the piece I want to save, but I am in a quandary as to how to do it. I know in Ulead's program it was possible to use the Select Tool to draw around anything in the workspace, whether it was merged/locked to the workspace or not, and create/save the object selected. I'm thinking Xara must allow this also.