Hello All!

I designed my website entirely with Xara Extreme 4. As a fixed website and with a black background, different screen resolutions may result in white empty spaces on a viewers monitor. I'm a little out of touch with the new products ie Xara Designer Pro 6, Xara Photo and Graphic Designer 6 and Xara Web Designer 6 to know my best options for the programs ability to write html code to remedy this situation or even for overall web design. Also is web design basically out of "Photo and Graphic Designer 6" and is there meaningfully more capability for web application in "Designer Pro 6" over "Web Designer 6" to justify the cost if that's my main application? Please let me know what you think. I also tried to hack around with html code to "stretch" the background for various screen resolutions without too much success - would you consider this worth trying to do on an individual page basis? I appreciate any opinions or guidance you may be able to provide. Thanks.