My 5 most useful wanted tools/functions.

A Fillet / Scallop / Chamfer tool, to chamfer/scallop selected points or objects.
Useful on as good as every project.

A symetrical tool/mode for making mirror and symetrical stuff.
Should preferable work with other tools such as creating shapes, drawing lines and
even a possible ereaser tool.

Useful on many logo/symbol projects

An ability to rotate/scale only selected points.
Not just full objects. Or is this possible?

Ability to rotate stuff in 3 dimensions.
This can be done with the 3d tool!
But is allways adds atleast 1 in extrude depth. Please make it so that it does not allways add 1 in extrude depth.
The mould tool also comes close, but no cigar since it does not keep the "dimensions"
of the object, but stretches it.

A inset/outset function. Can almost be done with the outline tool but needs alot of other operations, how about modifying the outline tool so that it can be used to inset/outset an object.

A fill function to fill almost closed areas.
Very useful when making paintings/sketches

These few things together with what Xara allready can do would cover many of the most important daily operations for me when working with a vector program.
