Happy New Year to all !

Well...I've decided to make use of this great function in Xara: Draggable DIV's.

I have a couple of PNG's that looks like in 3D. The problem is when I try to allign the pieces, some of them don't matches at all. I mean if I take an object and I drag it near the other they doesn't match only if I switch their position.
Think of this like I'm trying to allign a row of houses. The first houses allign normally, but it happens to pick a house that doesn't allign properly, being in front of the others, and brakeing the "chain". I wouldn't have this problem, if the pieces/objects were written with a code that prevent the choosen piece to position underneath the others.

Is there any chance to alter the written code so the currently selected (dragged) object to be placed on top of the other layers? I love this function and without this tweak I can not realize my dream.

PS: I suppose it's not possible to make those pieces snap to each other, it would have been a valuable option. Think of the rectangular handle to be able to snap to the neighbouring handle (object). It would be awesome.

I put the links to the Draggable DIV's page.
(Simply, when you pick up any piece of puzzle, to place it on top of the others, not beneath.)

Thank you for this great utility and I hope there is someone who knows a solution to this.
