Hi Pauland,
I feel sure that my three test images have not recieved special treatment - the clippingimages.com probertly recieve several hundreds images every day from all over the globe, and that would not continue if the service was bad.

If someone have a webshop and needs to put a lot of masked out images onto the online catalogue you may not have too much time masking out product images. At a price of around $2 to $5 per image I cannot spend much time doing manual masking images before it is a too expensive task. Time is money, and getting a fixed cost on one part of the publish to webshop will make it easier to do calculation on cost benefit on products sold through a webshop.

My friend have been using other online masking services and gets new images online every week, she have recommended this service to me. It is located here: http://www.designmaid.com/ should you want to check out the quality of the work yourself. Seriously I find it a litle unserious to think that clippingimages.com would try to trick you by doing a better service the first three times, but perhaps its just me.

Thanks for your reply though - interesting to hear.