Here's my problem - I built a website that has non-dynamic HTML pages (which I can use Web Designer for), and dynamic, Perl/cgi generated pages. For the non-dynamic pages it was a snap to make my navbars in Web Designer. For the Perl/cgi generated pages, I had to use Xara's older program, Menu Maker, to create the nav bars, which has limited styles that can be used, so making the nav bars match throughout the website was a real headache.
My question is - does anyone know if there's a way to use Web Designer to make *just* a nav bar that can be used (with the supporting javascript) in non-Web Designer webpages?
Thanks in advance!

For anyone that is curious, here is the website:

and here is an example of a webpage "certificate" that I was actually able to design with Web Designer *and* was also able to include dynamic data using Perl/cgi/MySQL