Good evening folks. I can't believe I am here again.

My brand-spanking new Xara 6 is reporting Out of Memory error on a file that is 29.9 Mb big. I optimized the photos & graphics down to 300 DPI, which is what I need for quality printing. The original was 47 Mb big, so, this was a substantial reduction. I chose PNG because quality matters for this client.

When I try to drag'n'drop a PNG of moderate size, say 6-8 Mb into the document, Xara tells me there is a "read error". The file is a perfectly good PNG, nothing wrong with it. When I try to import the file, it tells me "Out of Memory error".

This is not that big a file. What gives? I thought Xara was supposed to be super-advanced and all that. My old InDesign CS 1 (yes, 1) handles files bigger than this, though it is a pig on memory, very slow.