First, I'm sorry for my bad english. I tried to find any answer searching the forum, without any apparent result.

I designed a standard site using WD6 and standard stretching buttons and navbars.
The site works wonderfully on any desktop browser, but on Apple iPad you have to double-tap each button to go to the linked item.

I made some investigation about it, and discovered that when I tap a button, this make FIRST the MouseOver Layer appear; the second tap makes actually the link happen.

Eliminating the MouseOver layer makes the site work perfectly on iPad, but it becomes very poor on desktops.

I think there is a strange behaviour in soft groups used by WD6 in buttons and navbars: it seems like the "link to page" in "web properties" is present both on MouseOff and MouseOver layers of the object, and this probably cause this behaviour.

I tried to ungroup a button soft group, deleting the link in the web properties of the MouseOver layer button, leaving only the link in the MouseOff button properties, and this seem solve the problem.

But ungrouping and single-editing all the buttons and navbars is a huge work and I loose the best of WD...

Any tweak or help about this ?
Thank you and greetings from Italy