I love the intuitive nature of this software. The photos across the bottom will be replaced with better ones when I get them later this week or early next week.

One thing I changed from the original design was I removed the popup layers I had on each of the four floor plans and replaced them with popup photos. A few folks in my test group couldn't figure out how to click away the popup layer image. To me, it's pretty simple, but I figured I would change it to a popup photo that has the "X" to close the image.

After I published, I was enlightened to the matter of screen resolution. My laptop is 1280x800, so that's what I designed to without considering 1024x768. I may have to redesign to the smaller resolution so people don't have to scroll L-R. I understand there are almost as many 1024's out there as 1280's.

Thanks for the comments,
