Just had what I would describe as a nightmare

Went to open a xara file I worked tirelessly on all weekend, 15 page site with all sorts of addons and got a little error message saying something along the lines of the file appears to be empty!

Crikey what now, checked the actual file location and although the file was there it was indeed empty, I have no idea what went wrong, for the sake of being thorough I decided to try and open it again from DP6 as you do hoping praying nope dam thing knackered!!

Whilst I was in the open recent section of the file menu I noticed a little line at the bottom that said backups so I clicked it, in there was around 13 different backups of the file from yesterday so I clicked the last one, yipheeeeeeeeeee there it was undamaged and up to date, very happy bunny

I have always viewed the automated backups as a bit of a pain, when they kick in everything tends to slow down for a few seconds and have thought about turning the feature off just never got round to it, needless to say it will be staying firmly switched on now for good!

Always nice to start the day on a positive
