With layer popups and sound (see previous Sound post), WD6 may let us move away from multipage site design towards a new single-page paradigm -- where the user never leaves the page -- where all the information is available in different layers on a single page. Think video game -- where it all happens right there, and your attention is never distracted by page navigation.

This is where the internet began, and is still the optimum for users. I wish we could have done this back in the '90s, but instead we evolved the 'left-hand logo with navbar' design standard. But over the years I've kept hoping that someday it would be very easy to go back to a single-page design. Commercially, to 'trap' the user and reduce the opportunities to leave the page; educationally, to create instantly-fast scenarios to keep interest without the student being lost in a forest of unrelated page trees.

And art. The WD6 mouseover layers might make it much easier to create interactive art, where the background could change in subtle ways. Think Jackson Pollack on crack instead of alcohol. Or tech illustration -- easy revealing of product details.

WD6 is a designer's dream. Thoughts?