Did you know that the CD version of Pro contains some useful alternative Paste commands?

If you have copied objects from more than one layer onto the clipboard the normal Paste command will put those objects back into the layers they came from but sometimes you don't want it to do that.

So, Pro has two new commands which are accessible through key shortcuts:
"Paste in current layer" - ignores the layers the objects came from and puts them all in the current layer
"Paste in current layer at same position" - as above but retains their XY position on the page

By default those commands don't have shortcuts but you can assign them in the "Customise key shortcuts" dialog (you'll find them in the "Edit Menu" category).

You can either assign unused key shortcuts to them so that you have access to all the different paste commands on different shortcuts. Or, if you always want objects to paste into the current layer and you're feeling slightly braver, replace the existing paste shortcuts with the new commands:
I.e. Assign Ctrl+V to "Paste in current layer" and Ctrl+Shift+V to "Paste in current layer at same position" and remove the original assignments.
