This is more of a fun thing/hobby for me. Perhaps when my skill levels increase a bit more, I will seek to do something for commercial use. This site was designed entirely using XARA products, other then the addition of a few sound effects to flash, which I added with Macromedia flash 8. I still see plenty of little things I don't like'

(the imbedded utube/daily motion videos gotta go, clickable snakes don't auto reset to layer position, occasional loop gaps in sounds, etc.)

The bandwith of my public hosting isn't good, which doesn't help the overall presentation either. If nothing else I will store this as a template Nonetheless I haven't seen anything posted here so far that wasn't intended for commercial applications of some type, so this is at least differant. I am interested in what more experienced people might have to say. Thanks in advance if you take the time to check it out.