I have never posted a complaint about Xara before, but I noticed the sticky saying that this forum was not the place for complaints, and I have to say that that is not a very good idea.

Complaints are themselves suggestions for changes. They are in fact the most important kind of suggestion because the very last thing in the world you want are suggestions limited to people who are already content with a product.

Such limiting provides suggestions that are very minor tweaks by comparison. Complaints, even those dripping with ire, are priceless because the liklihood of such complaints being limited to merely the person posting is low.

Yes, there are those who ignorantly flame. But there IME have been a large number of complainers who have uncovered notions that are simply too important to ignore.

As a long time software engineer in charge of a large number of software products, many of which are graphic and GUI centric, I have always known that while complaints may be uncomfortable in nature to hear, they are critical to place at the very top of the attention list.