Is the a chart anywhere that lists the features of the two products side by side so I can more clearly determine what is in one product versus the other one?

I am sure that I want to upgrade but am still not completely sure I understand the difference between the two products XDP6 & XPGD6. I have no interest in the web development features but want all of the features related to graphics and photos. I think that I want th XPGD6.

When I go to most web sites that offere multiple versions of their products or provide a "what's new" section, I usually see a list of the features available in the first column and then a column for each of the products (and/or releases) with a checkmark or X of what is or is not included in that version but I cannot find such a chart on the Xara site. It would make it a ton clearer about what is or is not included in each product instead of having to wade though a bunch of paragarphs.

As I said, I fully anticipate upgrading but am somewhat unclear as to which product to purchase.