I have an image that I want to import and XWD6 keeps aking it into a 500x322 image.

I realize this is great for web applications but I'm trying to do something else and making it bigger after importing it isn't what I want. I want it to be the size it is when I import it.

A quick check of the help menu (image sizing) mentions that "most: times the smaller image is fine and so XWD does it automatically for you but doesn't mention the how to override it for the times that aren't "most".

I want to try to see if I can make a picture into a background image by making the image so large that the tiling isn't visible. It's an experiment and I;m still working with the thread I posed yesterday but I wanted to see if this is possible, which is sort of a separate issue.

Is there any way to import an large image in the size it is natively?