Not being an Xpert at Xara.
Not being an Xpert at the rules in TG.

I would have to say that the last week has been a real eye opener.
All the political in-fighting is like hanging your dirty washing out on the line for everyone to see.

I agree with JaffDave's comment that it feels like the Moderators versus the people.

Is this forum owned by Xara?
If not, then I would love to know who does own it?
That might make things a bit clearer for everyone and then we would all know what to say or not?

I joined last year and found a place where everyone was willing to help and it seemed a place for everyone to share their successes and ideas.

Last week or so, it's been an argument about who loves the dark interface of XD6 or the light one. Well, I along with everyone else am entitled to an opinion but even that seemed to be getting rather heated. The answer is still simple, "Give the user the choice."

Then we have people getting banned and moderators resigning and so on.

Well, I think it's such a shame that we have to have all this.

When ever there are a group of people, yes, you have to have moderation but what I have seen recently only goes to destroy a magnificent forum.