Does anyone know if there is a way to have videos pop-up on their own layer in WD 6, or a HTML/java code replacement that I can plug in?

I am familiar with pop-up layers and tried that, but it didn't work as I wished. When I clicked the link image, the video came up, but in order to play it I had to keep on holding the "play" button. (That's not gonna work.)

Effect I want: When you click on the play button image, I want the video to pop-up with a greyed out bkd over the site, with the ability to close the video once it's watched.

Is there a way to lock the pop-up layer so it won't go away when you click on the video?

Otherwise, is there some free program I can plug into Xara to have this "lightbox" pop-up video player effect?

These videos are flv flash files. Thanks, y'all.