I had a thought...

I'm not a professional graphic artist. I am also not one that uses a graphics tablet, so these new abilities don't do much for me. (And don't get me wrong. I'm glad that the improvements have been made for those that use them. They seem to be the largest improvements in the illustration area in a long time.) However, if I were those things above, I would think that a few more examples of what this tool can do might impress me greatly (at least enough to try the program). Perhaps a few short videos expanding on what Xhris has already done. Perhaps something showing the ability to do calligraphy(?), cartooning and anything else really cool with the new abilities. And if more illustrators try the program, perhaps a percentage might purchase the program. And if illustration tools become a larger selling point, it might encourage further development down that path, causing more to illustrators to buy it, etc.

...but then, it's just a thought.
