There has GOT to be a way to do this. In fact, it’s probably quite simple, when you know how...

My goal with my new Painter app seemed a very modest one: to add brush strokes to a computer-generated piece of art to give it a little more warmth. I got the brush strokes laid down just fine. With the tracing paper at 10% it looks pretty much the way I wanted. Now how do I USE that image? Saving the file saves only the brush stroke layer WITHOUT the clone source, but WITH white where the source used to be, which looks pretty ugly.

If I could join the Painter image to the cloned image, just as it appears before I save it, or if I could save just the brush strokes with the background completely transparent (my attempt to do that gave me a PARTIALLY transparent image with a great deal of unwanted white in it), I’d have what I need. Since I can SEE the image as desired with the tracing paper turned on, surely there’s some way to SAVE it like that. Isn’t there?

~ John Mayer