Marie, I mis-read something at HP's site. The replacement for the 6MP is the 2100M, not the SE. The good news is that the resolution has gone up from 600 on the 6MP to 1200 on the 2100M. The bad news is that they now qualify their PostScript as being "emulated" rather than "true." (You can still read the specs there on the discontinued 6MP.)

After searching numerous other sites, I have yet to find any other manufacturer selling "true" PostScript in anything less than an imagesetter.

If you have either a computer superstore or a Mac store in the area that sells an HP 2100M, you can probably take a PostScript file in there generated by the Corel "Device Independent File" option and see if it yields varied lpi. Keep the fonts simple.

I've written to Adobe about this issue and I'll post here whatever they tell me.