Hi all -

I have a WD6 site that I've added some Notes (from the Text Panels collection) and rotated text that looks fine while in WD design-mode, but which never show up on previews of the page. Further, exporting the website results in the same problem (i.e., these objects are missing).

I've looked at the property settings that I thought could contribute to this, but they all appear fine. I can, however, provide some potential clues that may help someone help me.

1. It seems this problem is limited to those pages where I have placeholders for PDF content.

2. On the pages with the problems, the outline of the object appears (e.g., I can see where the note object would be and the text has been repelled accordingly). There is, however, no visual note object.

I realize the above may be too sketchy, so please feel free to ask for additional details.

TIA!!! I really appreciate it.

_____/ Regards,
____/ al