Hello Xara,

I really NEED the invoices with VAT statement for my purchases. I tried all you advised, but...

After logging in at Xara.com I can choose between the Xara Club account and the Xara Online account. The Xara Club account does show my purchases of Xara 3D5 (boxed) and Xara Webstyle 3 (CD).
It does NOT show my purchase of Xara Webstyle 4 (CD). The Xara Club web page does however refer to the Xara Online acount as the page where Xara Webstyle 4 purchases can be found.

I do not use Xara Online at all.
I have purchased from Xara Club, and for some unexplainable reason you wanted to label this purchase as a Xara Online thing, at some point in time. The Xara Online acount however, does not show my Xara Webstyle 4 purchase either.

Xara Online does not mention Xara Webstyle 4 at all. Have you called back the product? Has the login procedure changed? Has some of your sales been removed from your bookkeeping? Maybe you have changed the webstyle 4 purchases into something else again, and lost my purchase details in the process?

You have sent the order confirmation with unlock code for Xara Webstyle 4 on 10-10-2003, but I cannot find anything about that purchase in my accounts on your website. Please inform me, how I can find my Webstyle 4 purchase on your website.

I have bought all items on-line at Xara Club, with my creditcard. Xara charged my credit for the purchases, including posting and 19% UK-VAT for all items. But I have received NO invoices with VAT statements. I really NEED those VAT statements, as any professional software user in Europe does.

Please mail or e-mail the INVOICES WITH VAT statements.

I have mailed you this request before, and included 2 e-mail addresses plus my postage address to be used at your choise.

Please understand, that ANY professional designer in Europe DOES NEED the invoices with VAT statements. It's only the law in Europe.