I'm not new to html but I am new to using a WYSIWYG editor. Thus far I've been really impressed with Xtreme but I hit a major snag today that has me frustrated.

I have about 150 photos to be posted to a client's web site (which I am revamping with Xtreme). I have gone over the video tutorial for rollover photos but the interface is different than that on Web Designer which is what the tutorial uses. For example, there is no "Layer Gallery" by itself. It's included in the "Object Gallery" and for the life of me I cannot get the settings for the rollover effect to work.

I tried mimicking the settings in the tutorial to no avail. I have experimented with setting after setting after setting combination all with no success. Cursing did no good either.

Someone PLEASE help me to resolve this before I start banging my face on my desktop!

Thanks in advance,