Can you advise

My website is essentially a series of monthly newsletters for clients..each newsletter being about 3-5 pages long. For each monthly issue i want to use nav bars to naviagte it but want to use the same titles i.e new research..focus a theme for each nav bar. whats best

lump all together in one project. for each month create new nav bars so i can update repeating objects for that month issue only and nt effect previous issues nav bars....assuming xara won't update them all to the new monthly nav bar


create a new project each month (using the template i have made) save it and then for each month ftp it to the directory on my webserver

I did not see in the export and ftp section (only looked at it did not try to upload) a place where specific page numbers can be this right? My experience of ftp is as the site grows and you ftp all pages greater chance of the ftp corrupting what is you experience of ftp .xar files.

Thank you