Quote Originally Posted by Trev View Post
Its a shell extension introduced by Jasc to make thumbnails of psp images visible in Explorer just the same way as pegs.PSP x had a problem with it not loading in to registry so it was available as a down load it its own right with a reg fix..
There is also a third party one by Bot productions who even do a 64 bit version. Which is handy as the corel one does not seam to work in 64 bit.
I did the reg fix on my computer after changing to WIN 7 which might have turned it on or it might have been the icon V thumb thing that I discovered by accident around a month and a half ago. Any how PSP images thumbs show in my 32 bit win 7 without problems.
The two links point to the same file as far as i remember on is on my site as I sheared it with some folk when we could not finf the FTP corel
Thanks again, Trev.

Which one would I be better with? The Bot productions or the PSPThumbShellExt.exe from Corel?

I was thinking it might be because I did not install the project creator when I installed X3.

Could that be my problem?