I am using a WebStyle web page template in FrontPage 2002 to update a website for a client. He has a fairly extensive vertical NavBar setup. He's asked that I use just 4 of the buttons from the vertical NavBar and place them along the top of the page as a horizontal NavBar. Here's what I did and what happened.
1. Copy (ctrl+c) vertical NavBar.
2. Paste to the top of the page.
3. Double-click to make changes from vertical to horizontal and remove unneeded menu buttons.
4. Now the vertical NavBar looks right, but when I double-click to edit it Webstyle 4 displays the horizontal NavBar.

Q1. How can I fix this?
Q2. How should I have done this?
Q3. Is there a way to do a "Save As" when duplicating a NavBar?

Frank Olivio <><