I just got an email saying I could buy Xara X for $34US until May 21.

Are they even reading this forum? By now they should realize that their users are still waiting for an update patch or a new verion. Xara is already over 3 years old!

The email also contained a link to their reviews page. When you click on the first three reviews to read the whole article it takes you to a dead end. I think this is just another example of Xara's lack of paying attention. When you send out an email with a link, make sure the link is working. Otherwise you look like a damn fool.

Xara's problem has NEVER been it's price, but rather their lack of support for their products. They release software that ALMOST gets the job done, but you still need to buy some other software to complete the task.

Now they've seemed to have focused on renting existing java applets to people on a subscription basis. I really hope this is bringing in money for them.

I wish they would focus their efforts and pay attention to their loyal user base. I really think they should follow Adobe's example with Photoshop. Take a good product and continually make it better.

The ONLY reason I would consider buying Xara again at this price would be to give it to Print bureaus so I won't have to constantly go through the ungodly hassle of converting Xara files into a more useful format.

Xara, please, please, please go back to this link and read what your customers want.

Sheffield Abella