I've been having many, many problems recently using Webstyle 4. I'm thinking possibly these issues are caused by me not using the software correctly. Can someone tell me, or point me to online info, explaining how to properly use one template theme throughout an entire website? meaning, I want all my pages to look the same (theme, colors, navbars...etc).

Until now, I have simply created one page as I like it, and then just reuse that same page for all subsequent pages by doing a "Save As" in my editor. I've found this kind of works (see post regarding navbars not showing in editor) until I try and save one of the new pages in a different folder from the original. Once I save the page in a different folder from the original nothing works (navbars don't load, some graphics broken...etc). Therefore, I would appreciate some info on how to correctly use the same page for an entire site. Thanks much.