Xaraxtreme 5, 5.1.210703
WebDesigner DL (I have a license, I purchased the original discount release)

If I have a .web file and a duplicate of it as a .xar. Both files are stored in the same directory.

If I Open either file by double-clicking it in Windows Explorer or by opening it from within the app, Edit it, Save it, Close the app, and Open it with the other app then the Flash animation(s) don't work.


My workaround/fix is to click on an object that has a Flash placeholer. NOTE, the .swf file IS shown in the Web dialog. I have to BROWSE, pick the .swf, click the apply button. I have to do this once for every flash file referenced in the .xar or .web file to enable the entire page to play all the placeholder animations.

I am not sure, I but I also believe renaming the filename of the .web or .xar file in Windows Explorer (but not moving it) causes a similar problem when opening it to make a revision.


Has anyone else had similar problems or could they do some testing to verify?