Hi, What I need is to have a box where you can type in a word and then that press a submit button and it will look through a list of words in a text file or in the flash file itself. Then it will pop that word it found/matched into another box and you will be able to click on it like a button. Basically it is a simple search engine. I only need about 4 or 5 sample words to see it working and then I can add the rest. I know enough Flash to do that. Also if you want to quote me on what it would cost to make it search for the words as you type each letter and bring up multiple words as you type that match the letters typed.

Please contact me about what you want for such a beast and I will arrange to pay it through whatever means works best. I use Paypal so that would be best for me.

If this works out I would like to use you in the future for more flash. I am a freelancer but mostly from the design end so I only know a little actionscript, just enough to get by. A friend of mine who has helped me in the past just bailed on me at the last minute so I need this ASAP.
