O.k., let me get this straight first...

I AM NOT TRYING TO START A FIRE --- I don't want to hear any slams against one program or the other...however, I have a situation and would like some input from people who have experience with Photoshop AND Xara.

I have 4.5yrs experience with Xara and about 15 minutes experience with Photoshop. I have just taken on a new job as webmaster for a University. One of my staff members is an excellent Photoshop artist. We are about to start an overhaul of the website and will be creating hundreds of graphics. I would like to be using the same program as my staff member.

My choices are...

1. learn Photoshop
2. have my staff member learn XaraX

I don't want to force anyone to give up a tool that they have tons of experience in... however, if I can come up with some concrete reasons why Xara might be a better choice then I'll suggest it...
