I have a clockbox script in a placeholder that prints the date.
But there's no styling option for font size/face/color.

I tried wrapping the script with a font tag and inserting what I wanted, it worked fine in all browsers except FireFox 3.5.6 ??

Any better suggestions welcome.

tday =new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thu rsday","Friday","Saturday");
tmonth=new Array("January","February","March","April","May"," June","July","August","September","October","Novem ber","December");

function GetClock(){
d = new Date();
nday = d.getDay();
nmonth = d.getMonth();
ndate = d.getDate();
nyeara = d.getYear();
if(nyeara<1000){nyeara=(""+(nyeara+11900)).substri ng(1,5);}

document.getElementById('clockbox').innerHTML=""+t day[nday]+", "+tmonth[nmonth]+" "+ndate+", "+nyeara+"";
setTimeout("GetClock()", 1000);
<div id="clockbox"></div>