I am hoping that someone has run into this one before...

I was working on a Xara file. A second after I clicked "Save", I received a message stating:
A read error ocurred (unknown) with the file c: ilename.xar"

It gives me an option of OK and Help.

I clicked OK several thousand times and the same response. I ran a disk check on the disk and A-OK. THe disk is tip top (defragmented like a champ)

If I try to reopen the file from another instance, the Xara File Bitmap preview shows it correctly however the file never opens and I continues to show the message above.

I finally killed the original instance (I gave up) and tried to repoen the file. The same. Not even the empty file - just the error message.

Anyone have a solution for this? Is there such a thing as a recovery or *.tmp file somewhere?

Lots of hours and many "religious" saves went into this one only to loose it on a hiccup.

Thanks for any insight,

milt http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/confused.gif