For those of us interested in combining XaraX and an inexpensive ($35 US) but wonderful Flash authoring program (kool Moves) here is the latest update concerning file import. If you missed the previous posts and want to know more check here and also here

The third item on the upgrade list shows the effort to directly import XaxaX .xar files into KoolMoves!

Bob C.

From johnie in part, posted on 2/14/02 on the KoolMoves forum at Flash Kit Some of the things already on the Wish List/ To Do List past Version 3.0:

1. Autotrace
2. DoubleByte Fonts, In Paticular Asian fonts
3. More Vector format imports in paticular the Xara File Import was requested by several
4. GUI Based Daisey Chain wizard
5. More scripting implemented
6. Improvements to the WMF, DXF, EMF import.
7. An Eraser Tool
8. Vector Image File Format Export
9. 3D Faces for shapes
10. Cleaner Text Effects
11. Improved Timeline/Frame Management
13. Mathmatical Scale and Rotate.