Hi there, I have been a Dreamweaver user for quite a while now but to this day I still find it daunting and extremely painful trying to position item and div boxes on the screen. I recently came accross Xara xtreme and was quite blown away by some of it's features. Even so I do have some very important question that I would like answered before I abandon Dreamweaver altogether.

Q1: I would like to know if the final exported pages can be converted to a CMS system? I use a piece of software called Cube Scripts which takes normal .html pages and converts them to php script via the software. Can I convert Xara pages and still maintain the layout and all of the graphics??

Q2: I would also like to know if it is possible to export my pages into dreamweaver so I am able to add on an e-commerce or shopping cart system or can this be done directly from Xara Xtreme?

Q3: Also am I able to drag and drop .swf or any other movie files into Xara software?

Q4: Does Xara Xtreme have 'swap image' capability?

I hope that someone is able to shed some light on the above questions and any help would be greatly appreciated...thank you..
